Hi everyone,
I'm sticking to my promise to write more and wanted to share my thoughts about waste not, want not. I heard this saying a lot while growing up here in New Zealand. I don't know if it's said in other countries as well?
Anyway my husband and I have decided/purposed to not spend any unnecessary money this year eg. other than food costs, petrol, electricity bills etc and not to put anything extra on hire purchase. The upside of this is it causes me to have to be very creative and look through what I already have before becoming smitten with something new (shiny), that I might think I need (smile). So to stick with that plan and because I wanted to give my very small kitchen a wee makeover I knew I would need to do it on a shoestring. I found a small sideboard for sale on face book local marketplace and offered the lady $80 and she accepted it. My idea was to make a hutch dresser sort of set up. I already had a small bookcase which was once on a wall and we added a plate rail to that. So my husband and I got to work sanding and painting the sideboard and put it in our wee kitchen on the weekend. I used to use a large bookcase to store my plates, but it gathered dust so easily and looked quite dark, and that's why I wanted a change. We had excess paint in the shed, and chose a soft Dutch White cream colour. We also painted the book case that had been in the kitchen to put in the spare room. I had some pale mauve paint, and just mixed in some more white to the can. We sanded the bookcase, primed and painted many coats-of the pale mauve/pink. We are both very happy with it all. Here's the pics:

We oiled the top and it came up so lovely !!
The painted bookcase installed in the spare bedroom :)
*I hope this might encourage someone else to realise they can improve a situation without needing to spend much money at all :) I still haven't finished in the kitchen. I want to paint the walls, and the window sills, maybe even the cupboard doors and the French door that comes into the kitchen area. It would be wonderful if we got it all done this summer :) as it's been a long time in coming and will really freshen it up. Apart from the wall colour we have enough leftover paint in the shed !!! yeh
I N T H E G A R D E N:
This year we've put in a smaller vegetable garden than other years...and I'm not stressing about it. I know many people are planting huge victory gardens around the world (which is wonderful), but I decided to have a little rest from placing too much stress on myself for a change and I don't intend to do much canning either :). Next year it may be different.
This summer we have: Tomatoes (x6 plants only), Courgettes, Spring Onions, Masses of self seeded Italian Parsley - my favourite), Green Beans, Lettuces, Herbs of course, and still to plant - Silver beet and some Cos lettuce.
..and of course our ever faithful fruit trees continue to bless us abundantly. Pretty Feijoa flowers below, Figs, Little green oranges starting to form, Figs, not many Apricots - the birds got them..grrr, but masses of plums as per usual. We did a lot of pruning last seasons end, so the trees have put their energy into new growth, which is good, because some of them had got too leggy and the fruit was getting too hard to reach, which meant our feathered friends were getting most of it.
Garden flowers to bless our table :)
I N T H E K I T C H E N :
'Sugar Free Stewed Rhubarb'
2 Cups chopped Rhubarb
1/3 - 1/2 Cup sugar free sweetener (I mixed 1/2 Cup Erythritol with 1/2 teaspoon Stevia)
1 extra 'doonk' of stevia
1 teaspoon Vanilla Essence
1/2 - 3/4 Cup water.
Place everything in a small saucepan with the lid on. Bring to the boil and then turn
the heat down to a simmer and cook until the fruit is almost soft. Then remove the lid
and reduce the liquid a little until it thickens a little bit.
Leave it all to cool and then put in a covered container and store in the fridge.
*I enjoyed a few spoonful's of this with some unsweetened Greek Yoghurt, I also added a teaspoon of LSA (ground equal amounts of Linseeds, Sunflower seeds and Almonds), and a wee drizzle of sugar
free blueberry syrup. Oh my was it good :)
~ ~ ~ ~
I've been reading only Christmas books through December and
into early January. I'll re-read these books probably every Christmas :) I got
this book for only $5 second hand!!
'An Amish Christmas - by Cynthia Keller ( I really enjoyed
this simple story).
As it was such a busy month, I just wanted to read something
light. Here's the synopsis:
Meg Hobart has everything: a happy marriage to a handsome,
successful husband, a beautiful home in Charlotte, North Carolina, and three
wonderful children. But it all comes crashing down around her the day she
learns that her husband, James, has been living a lie—and has brought the
family to financial ruin. Penniless and homeless, the Hobarts pack up what
little they still possess and leave behind their golden life for good. But it’s
not the material things Meg finds herself mourning. Instead, she misses the
certainty that she should remain married to James, who has betrayed her trust
so thoughtlessly. Worse, she is suddenly very aware of just how spoiled her
children have become. Meg wonders what her family has really sacrificed in
their pursuit of the American dream.
A frightening twist of fate forces the Hobarts to take
refuge with a kind Amish family in Pennsylvania, where they find themselves in
a home with no computers, no cell phones, nothing the children consider
fashionable or fun. Her uncooperative brood confined to the Amish world of hard
work and tradition, their futures entirely uncertain, Meg fears she can never
make her family whole again. Celebrating life’s simplest but most essential values,
packed with laughter and tears, this is a story of forgiveness and the power of
~ ~ ~
...and prior to this book I read: Christmas at Harmony
Hill by Ann H. Gabhart (I love Shaker novels) ! I have the whole
collection of her Shaker books. Ann is a very good descriptive writer. If you
like reading historical novels and books about unusual religious people, like
the Shakers then you'll enjoy the Shaker novels.
O N L I N E:
*I also follow various people on YouTube and find a real
kinship/fellowship with people of a like mind there. One of my favourite ones
is 'The Oldsteaders Homestead: Living Life Simply'. They are a family of
Mum/Dad and 2 grown sons and two young sons. They built their home in the woods
themselves. They work very hard and Leah considers herself a modern day peasant
by choice :) They post a lot of devotional videos which I enhoy listening too
as well. I was watching one of her videos last night and she shared that before
they were homesteading, when they had a VCR player she loved to watch 'The
Waltons' and 'Little House on the Prairie" and she felt like when she
watched those shows she was having fellowship, because she didn't find people
in her world who thought the way she did about living a simple old fashioned
life. By old fashioned I mean, they have no electricity, she gets her water
from a well and creek, they garden, have chickens, cook on a wood stove, wash
laundry by hand etc. Pretty hard work !!!
Disclaimer: When I share a link to anything online, or show books I read, don't assume I agree 100% with what that person/book/channel etc may support or believe. It's always just aspects that I appreciate from these things/people/books. As I grow older I realise I don't easily fit into any particular slot when it comes to my faith (eg. denominationalism). I am simply a follower of the Way as it's written in the bible. I try to stay faithful to God and Him alone by adhering to the scriptures and using my own common sense.
* Regarding kinship
with earlier times in history I know just how she feels. I often feel like I
was born in the wrong time. When I was younger I tried to do things the modern
way, but the older I get I am veering towards things I love which don't
necessarily fit into the modern world. To me it's wonderful and fulfilling.
(Just wanted to share this
~ and
LITTLE SPIRITUAL NOTE: In closing I just wanted to add that living a
simple life at home brings me tremendous peace and joy. I'm not interested at
all in the direction this modern 'world' is going in because I don't agree with
most of it. I find wisdom and truth in the bible and it's a solid foundation to
build ones whole life upon. I knew it the day I gave my heart to the Lord (over
30 years ago now) and it still remains true and sure to this day. Whenever I've
had upheavals in life it's because I veered off the path, the straight
path and way of the Lord and not because of anything lacking in my
Christian faith. If your not a believer I would encourage you to 'try
Jesus' - I can promise you, you will never look back and He will never leave
you or let you down.
to anyone who stops by. I hope something I have shared is a blessing to you ~
Linda :)
Art by Robert Reid - 'Tending the Flowers' (I
Psalm 146
(NIV Bible)
Praise the Lord
Praise the Lord O my soul,
I will sing praise to my God as long as I live.
Do not put your trust in princes,
in mortal men who cannot save.
When the spirit departs they
return to the ground;
on that very day their plans come to nothing.
Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob,
whose hope is in the Lord his God,
the Maker of heaven and earth,
the sea, and everything in them,
the Lord who remains faithful forever.
He upholds the cause of the oppressed
and gives food to the hungry.
The Lord sets prisoners free,
The Lord gives sight to the blind,
the Lord lifts up those who are bowed down,
the Lord loves the righteous.
The Lord watches over the alien
and sustains the fatherless and the widow,
but he frustrates the way of the wicked.
The Lord reigns forever,
Your God, O Zion for all generations.
Praise the Lord.