Two wings lift a person up from earthy concerns: simplicity and purity. Simplicity should be in intention, purity in feelings. Simplicity reaches out after God, purity catches hold and tastes. ~ Thomas A’Kempis

Tuesday 11 June 2024


Hello friends and quiet followers, my last blog post was called 'strangers and pilgrims' and without even intending to I ended up being a stranger here for just over a year.. So I am sorry for that. 

I just felt a strong urge to pull away from a lot of 'online' activities and give my full attention to my home and family, and that's what I've been busy with over this last year. I'm so glad I made that decision, that I chose to put that part of my life before anything else. I also believe this is biblical. Our homes/marriages are meant to be first in our life and our home environment should be peaceful and a haven for all who enter, especially our husbands and children. I've also been delving deeper into the Word of God, praying harder and asking the Lord to help remove any junk from my heart.

I had spent too many years feeling very stressed, like I was on an invisible treadmill. That's because I was, and I was just trying to juggle too many plates. My health wasn't good, I was getting sick a lot and had problems sleeping. Obviously I couldn't do it all.  So I decided to close my soap business completely. I still help my daughter and manage my own home and that is enough. I wish I had done it sooner as what I am doing now brings me joy. I have peace and always feel very contended being at home, being around my grandchildren and doing all the homemaking related work. I don't miss the soap business one little bit !!

I feel like I'm creating a 'new calm', a 'new rhythm' in our home, something altogether different. I think homes always used to be this way. Mum's were mostly at home, and sometimes grandparents might have been living in the house too, so that meant extra help with the day to day tasks. My own Nana was such a joy, with such a ready smile. I loved her soft, crinkly old hands and her full biscuit tins. She didn't live with us, but we visited her every Saturday for a big scrumptious morning tea and often aunties/uncles and cousins were there too.


I also wanted a clean, tidy and organised home and I knew no one was coming to do this for me. It was my job. I believe good organisation is vital in a home, as it saves time and helps everything to run more smoothly and calmly.  e.g If I want to mend something, I know exactly where to go to get my sewing box and where my little extra bits of fabric are that I will need for the task, without having to spend half an hour searching all over the house for it. I actually have my sewing machine set up most of the time, so I can easily fix things. 

I find I spend less at the grocery store as I have a better idea of what's in my pantry, and freezer and can plan meals accordingly. Because I have more time to cook I enjoy it more too. I believe this is the way things should be. I don't know what's happened in the world, why it's all changed so much and so quickly. Well...I suppose I do know. I know it's a whole lot of things, but we can change our lives. We don't have to go with the staus quo. We can make a new normal, create a way to live that suits us, and our beliefs. I have been slowly going through my entire house from room to room, hallways, cupboard, linen cupboard etc, organising almost everything. I'm pretty sure I may have mentioned all this before, so forgive me if I have :) but it's a pretty efficient system now I must say. I've taken endless excess to thrift stores too. We normally don't need bigger houses, (unless we have a large family) we just need to have regular clean outs !! I know some people aren't bothered by clutter, but I am not one of them. Clutter makes me feel stressed.  Still, having said this...I believe this is something I will routinely need to do as by nature I am always acquiring more stuff ! especially books and clothing from thrift stores (my two weaknesses) :)

Well friends that's all I wanted to say for now...... other than it's Winter time here in New Zealand, I still have trees that haven't been pruned yet..oops, I still have weeds in my garden, there is still cobwebs to be pulled down here and there and the dust is always settling. I have more pumpkin gingerbread planned to bake tomorrow :) and I still probably need to lose a few pounds, but hey tomorrow is a new day. I have joy in my heart today, peace in my life on a regular basis and I know I am loved by the Lord. Life is good ! I hope it is good for you too x

Blessings and peace ~ Linda


  1. Good morning from Florida.
    I've not read your blog before but I
    enjoyed reading it today.
    I am at the same stage in my y life.
    I am reorganizing, decluttering and donating.
    I too am book obsessed.
    I suspect they are reproducing when I'm sleeping.
    I'm cooking all our meals at home.
    Baking our rolls,muffins,cookies as well. The cost of gluten free bread is nine dollars a loaf and tastes awful. So I bake .
    It's been in the high nineties the last several days.
    I go out in the morning and putter in the garden. Then scurry back in the house when that beastly
    sun comes up.
    But the gardens are enjoying the sunny weather and producing
    Welcome back, I am looking forward to your next post.

    1. It sounds like we have much in common :) It's a lovely stage of life. I too often will eat gluten free bread and its about $9.00 a loaf here as well...crazy prices. I did try to make my own sourdough gluten free bread did not go well ! It hardly rose and when I baked it, I think it was only about 2 inches high ! I try not to eat very little wheat, as my tummy doesn't like it much. Blessings to you - thanks for stopping by !!! Linda :)

  2. I am delighted to see a new post from you! This is so inspiring. Your encouragement in homemaking is such a blessing!

  3. Oh my goodness, it is so good to be back in touch. I have stepped away from blogging for many of the reasons you mention here. I am quite content to tend to our home and to my family. It is summertime here and our small space gardens are doing quite well. My husband and I tend to our humble home and our little plot of land. We love resting on our back deck, enjoying the the fresh veggies, herbs and the pretty flowers. We have hummingbirds that come to visit us as we have their feeders among all of the plantings. We have wrens who have set up housekeeping in their little wren house just off of our back deck. They have a little family now and we hear them chirping each time their momma or their daddy bring them food. We enjoy our cups of coffee or our glasses of iced tea as we pray, plan and prepare for whatever lies in front of us. We do enjoy being out and about, but home is our very best place to be. Sweet pleasures and simple blessings my sweet friend. Homespun Hugs, Teri

    1. Hi Teri, so lovely to hear from you !! It sounds like your having a glorious Summer :) Meanwhile I'm sitting inside with the fire going ! Those little birds in your garden sound like such a joy ! I too love to see all the birds that visit our garden, sometimes there is even a Magpie !!! I think the other birds are a bit scared of him though. Many blessings to you ~ Linda

  4. Oh what a lovely surprise to find your post this morning!
    As I become older, it feels even more necessary to spend my time and energy on what matters most. I have been doing much of the same things in my home. It brings such a feeling of calm and peace. Bless you!

    1. Your so welcome Angela :) Thanks so much for stopping by and for your kind comment ~ Linda


Blessed are the Pure in Heart

Matthew 5:8 Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God Hello dear friends and quiet followers, In my quiet time today the Lord la...